2024 Season

Truckee Tahoe Airshow and Family Festival
Saturday June 22 - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Bring your family and friends and enjoy our exciting activities at this year's airshow! Watch our Glider flight demonstration with a simulated rope break! Bring your kids to the STEM Expo to try our glider simulator. Get close to our two gliders on display, stop by our main tent (next to our gliders) for special discounts on scenic glider rides and gift certificates, learn about glider ratings for power pilots, and ask questions!
Weekend BBQs
The BBQ is on every Saturday night, just throw something delicious on the grill and enjoy the camaraderie.
Beer is on tap in the Shedo! Bring your own wine or other tasty beverage.
Even in the middle of summer, it gets chilly up in Truckee at night. We have a fire pit and put it to use most evenings when the Fire Marshall approves its use.
Opening Day, Saturday, May 25, 2024
It was cold but it didn't snow.
On Monday, Ben Hirashima (7) flew to the Oregon border and back.
There is no burn ban as yet. We will be talking to the Fire Marshall about lighting up the charcoal and building a fire in the fire pit.
We again participated in the KTRK Airshow in June
Early closure on July 23 due to runway 02/20 reconstruction
The 2022 season started late due to the uncertainty about our lease with the Truckee Tahoe airport, and resulting staffing challenges. We had a successful Region 11 Contest in June and a couple of 1000K flights in August and a record Labor Day weekend. Overall it was a decent season.
2022 Region 11 FAI Class Contest
Weekend BBQs
Participated in TTAD Airshow
Daily flying
13 participants in STEM Youth Aviation program - 2 solos
Preston achieved his CFIG rating!
The 2021 season was cut short due to smoke from the Caldor and Dixie fires, but we still managed to get in some great soaring days.​
2021Region 11 FAI Class Contest
Weekend BBQs
Daily flying
Fun with friends and family!
2019 Region 11 FAI Class Contest
Truckee Bash 2019
Weekend BBQs
Daily flying
Fun with friends and family!
2018 Region 11 FAI Class Contest
Women Soaring Pilots Association 2018 Seminar
Truckee Bash 2018
Weekend BBQs
Daily flying
Fun with friends and family!
AIM Higher 2017
Truckee Bash 2017
2017 Region 11 FAI Contest
Weekend BBQs
Daily flying
Fun with friends and family!
Truckee Bash 2016
TAGAR 2016
​Youth Camp 2016
Weekend BBQs
Daily flying
Fun with friends and family!